Stories about Radio & TV

Click the “Read Story” buttons to see these stories about my broadcasting career

A Bolt from the Blue

The true story of how I “accidentally” got into meteorology

How I Time Traveled to Send a Message to My Future Self

My 1979 self wanted my 2018 self to know something important

Getting Into Broadcasting was Almost Like Having a Real Job

The true and not-so-glamorous way I got into broadcasting

Visible Humans are Vulnerable Humans

The thrills and agonies of being public person

10,000 Watts of Gospel Radio

It’s another story from my small-town radio days, and probably the most memorable

A Reminder to Go Easy on My Next Guest

What it feels like when the interviewer becomes the interviewee

Reporting the news on the low-tech information highway

Sometimes we had to get a little crazy, and totally unsophisticated, to get a news story on the air.

Hold the Phone

Thank heaven YouTube didn’t exist back in the late 70s.

let’s go to the videotape. or not.

The night I did an entire TV newscast without a single piece of video.

She was a ghost and I was mister chicken

What happens when someone claims your workplace is haunted?

The last 20 years is a blur

As I celebrate 20 years at The Weather Channel, I look back on some of my peresonal memories.

20 things i learned from losing my job

Job loss threatens one’s dignity, one’s emotions, and is hard on families, but it can also be a teacher.

The dude is apparently not famous

How real fame has eluded me and why I’m probably a better person for it.

voicemail from god

Does God speak to us personally?

Retirement: I’m not yet sure what that means.

But it doesn’t mean sitting on my tail.

how long hair led me into journalism

I couldn’t bring myself to cut my hair, and that may have charted the course of my life.

to dream, perchance to sleep

Morning TV news shows are all created by the chronically sleep-deprived.

(almost) all I really needed to know…

What I learned from my first job lasted me a lifetime.

a little research can save a lot of embarrassment

Some of my most embarrassing moments in TV

reality is sometimes really disappointing

Remember: TV isn’t real

i scared the wits out of prince charles

The day I accidentally frightened the future King of England.